tips for finding your child's first school

Do you have a young child at home that is getting ready to enter the world of education? Are you worried about sending your little one off to school for the first time? Sometimes, the first days of school is harder on the parent than it is on the child. If you are trying to choose a good first school for your child, visit my website. There, you will find a short checklist to use as you research the different schools in your area. Hopefully, the information that you find on my website will be as helpful to you as it has been to many of my friends and family.

3 Tips To Help Your Child Adjust To Catholic School


A Catholic high school is a wonderful way to provide your child with a quality education. When you send your child to an excellent private school, you can be sure they're getting the best possible experience during their formative years. However, switching to a Catholic school after years in public school can be a big change for teenagers. Here are four adjustments your child might have to make, as well as ideas for ways you can help:

1. Following a Dress Code

Many students balk at the idea of a dress code, at least initially. Catholic high schools are typically more traditional in their standards of dress. For instance, most Catholic schools will ban extreme hair cuts or unnatural hair colors. Some even require students to wear a uniform.

While this may be a big change for some kids, ultimately many children come to appreciate the dress code. It frees them from the pressure of having to conform to the latest trends. You can help your child adjust to a new dress code by encouraging them to express their individuality in other ways. For instance, your child may be able to wear fun colored socks or carry a backpack in their favorite color.

2. Religious Classes

Not all classes in a Catholic high school are focused on religion; your child will also get a quality education in secular topics such as science, math, and language arts. However, Catholic high schools do feature religious education classes. Some schools even have a weekly mass for students to attend. If your child is not used to such things, this can seem like a big adjustment.

Encourage your child to engage with the teacher in their religious classes. Discussing the text and bringing up any doubts or questions in a respectful way is encouraged. It's just another part of your child's educational journey, and with a little time, they can grow to love it.

3. A New School

Of course, the biggest adjustment of all doesn't have to do with the Catholic nature of the school at all. Switching to a new school is a big upheaval in any child's life, especially if they are leaving friends and familiarity behind at their old school. Encourage your child to get to know their new classmates and make new friends. While it can be tough being the new kid, making an effort to reach out can help them form new, lasting friendships.


22 May 2019